Save mic audio separately (optionally)


I've recently started using Overwolf in combination with Outplayed to record my best gameplay moments, or to learn from my worst.

Besides my
other issue, I can imagine that sometimes you do want to share a video with recorded mic, and in some cases you might want to leave this part out (For example when I'm playing with Dutch friends vs International ones).

As such I would like to propose an option to save the mic audio to a separate file (optional of course)


  • Guest
  • Nov 24 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Jason Thompson commented
    18 Mar 12:28
    Why is this still not an option?
  • Guest commented
    August 04, 2022 13:48

    This is the only thing stopping me from switching to the Outplayed software

  • Guest commented
    July 14, 2022 00:47

    ive been wanting the same thing, seems a year later this still isnt an option:(

  • Admin
    Team Overwolf commented
    August 09, 2021 09:09

    We are aware, and we hope to be able to give you this option soon 🙏

  • Steven Kelly commented
    August 09, 2021 00:35

    I've recently started using Outplayed (switching from Nvidia Shadowplay) and so far it seems to be a much better experience. However, the one feature I miss is being able to record my mic as a separate audio tack.